Other places to see my shit

Monday, January 31, 2011

With All That Is Going On In Egypt...

This quote from an article I read stood out to me.

“I brought my American passport today in case I die today,” said Marwan Mossaad, 33, a graduate student of architecture with dual Egyptian-American citizenship. “I want the American people to know that they are supporting one of the most oppressive regimes in the world and Americans are also dying for it.”

This made 2 things come to mind when I read this.

1.) Probably the more important point and that is we are all one people. Never mind invisible boundary lines that were drawn hundreds or even thousands of years ago. This is only used to divide and seperate us in more ways than just the obvious. American, Egyptian, American-Egyptian, Egyptian-American, i say no, he is a human living on earth. Anything more than that is only used to control people and their minds. Please lets erase these archaic ideas and thoughts and move forward and live as one people. Until we do this nothing will really change and brings me to my second point.

2.) The current leader and the leader that the government in Egypt wants to put back into power was put there by the Americans and the British to keep the peace with Israel. This all comes down to money, which is used for power and control. The people who die in these protests , protests in other countries in the future, and wars and fighting all around the world, someone or some group is profiting from it. Death for money. Doesn't that thought just make you completely sick? I know it does me. So like i said in my earlier blog, last week, really look into who is "profiting" from all of this and do not support or even fight against that, however you can, big or small. Every little bit counts and adds up to eventually, what I feel, will be a big change and in Egypt, a government actually "by and for the people."



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