Other places to see my shit

Friday, January 14, 2011

Trust No One

The words from the TV series "The X-Files" have never rung more true. It is a sad statement, especially with the media, that you have to really research multiple sources to get just part of the truth to stories presented on major news networks and newspapers. TV, in general, was never really made to inform, more to entertain and distract. Radio, on the other hand, was used more to inform and connect the people. That's another thing I've noticed, TV has really helped to "polarize" and "divide" the people, more than anything else. Keep them separate, in their own little worlds of gross consumerism and apathy.

I use to watch way to much TV when I was younger, it was kind of my babysitter. It was so bad that I even had commercial jingles memorized and can even sing you them to this day. Now, when I tell people I don't watch TV, you should see the looks and questions. I read that more people in the US and around the world, watch more TV than ever before. Worse than that, some people actually believe that Fox News is a creditable and reliable source for news and information, my father being one of those.

George Carlin always said the best thing you can do for your children is to teach them to question. Children are never taught to question, especially in the school systems of today, they are taught to just blindly accept and obey. The reason for this is simple, the "owners" of this and every other country, want obedient workers. If you question or think for yourself, find out that you are getting fucked over constantly and living a life that is making you completely unhappy, then you might all rise up as one and fight back. That's what I really hope for, protests, riots in the streets, do something instead of doing nothing. But anyway, I digress.

My point is don't just blindly accept everything that is said on TV, radio, newspapers, and most definitely the internet, and accept it as factual or truthful. Research things yourself and try and find your own answers. I would even want you to disagree with me, about general news, if you had your own facts and opinions instead of just spouting some news blurb you read or saw.


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