Other places to see my shit

Thursday, January 13, 2011

All Around You... DISTRACTIONS!

It has only been a few short months since the BP oil spill in the gulf and everyone has seemed to move on. With the ongoing economic collapse, the near war in Korea, and now the shooting in Arizona I see how easy it is to lose sight. The BP spill reminds me much of when hurricane Katrina hit. Everyone admitted it was "horrible" and "a tragedy" but except for the residents who have to live there, it was more of "entertainment" for the people who did not.

Now we are having these mass animal deaths. But as long as the media easily explains away what is happening, no one seems to really care. This is the planet we live in and we only have one, that we know is inhabitable, and people really just turn a deaf ear to warning signs. I don't even have any kids but you constantly hear, "children are our future." What world are you, and yes, I say YOU, leaving your kids. I guess you can be completely delusional and say "God" will take care of the planet and the people in it, but you don't think "God" would want you to be pro-active and take care of this "gift" he's given you? But I guess I'll stop trying to be logical, to illogical people.

I guess my bottom line is, wake up people! Especially those who have children and want a "future" for them. Just don't turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to these warning signs. True, some of these problems can't be corrected by humans, at this point in time, things like magnetic polar shifts, but shouldn't we be doing research to not only understand but maybe help correct these problems?





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