Other places to see my shit

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Next Big War?

Why does the U.S. ALWAYS need to be fighting something or someone? I know it is ingrained in their history and the psyche of the country. But seriously? Wars don't solve anything. No one really wins in modern warfare, especially if nuclear war is used. Everyone loses, except for the upper 1% that make big profits from your death and destruction. This seriously can't go on any longer.

So, China is the next big "threat." They (the U.S. government/Illuminati) are saying this because the American members of this elite would lose a fortune as well as influence in the area. China definitely has a huge sphere of influence in all of Asia. So, you control China, you control Asia and all money and power in the area, as well.

So don't buy into what the media is bound to shove down your throats the next few months or even years. That China is a threat to you, personally, as well as the U.S. It's all bullshit and trying to use you, personally, as pawn in their miniature dirt war. Don't believe the hype!


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