Other places to see my shit

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Business Deal

That's what this all is. America the grand is "owned" by China. When business comes into play the "rights" and "liberties" of the "average person" go right out the window. America tortures just as much as China, don't fool yourself. The illusion of safety and freedom have never become more apparent in this simple meeting of two dominate country leaders. This meeting is all about power and control through the use of currency not about people and their liberties.

Peoples civil "rights" are always misused or taken away constantly, not just in China. Carlin said it best "We don't have rights we have temporary privileges. Because rights aren't rights if your government can take them away." There was a response to the NY Times article I will post at the bottom where a man from the U.S. said that George W. Bush never invited a man that was never formally elected, speaking of Hu from China. This shows you the mass ignorance that still pervades this country because last time I checked, neither was Bush, both terms. He was put into power by another influential business deal. We see how that deal worked out for your "average person" in America.

Here's a small segment from the one article that I really enjoyed. "Before you put this down just to the authoritarianism and insensitivity in China, remember the song “before you ‘cuse me, take a look at yourself.”

Think of all the Americans who get nowhere fighting their City Halls or battling denials of claims by health insurance companies or foreclosures by banks. Think of the vast growth in poverty and the persistence of high unemployment. Think of the millions of Americans behind bars. We have no petition office which I am sure must resolve some issues even if the film didn't show that!"

And here is the man's posted response to the Times article:

January 19th, 2011
11:04 am
George W. Bush did not want to extend the honor of a formal state dinner to a leader who was not democratically elected.

George W. Bush was correct."



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