Other places to see my shit

Monday, February 7, 2011

The "Truth" Is Out There, If You Want To Know It

My post is simple again today. Research and look into things for yourself. Don't believe everything you read, see or hear as plain fact. What's going on in Egypt, The Wikileaks court case, and all other news stories. It is already proven that the news information is diluted and corrupted by the major companies that own them. To control the information you receive, to control your mind, to make "them" sound good and just, while making "the others" sound bad and unjust and even savage.

Try and support those who want to give you "non-filtered" information and let you make your own decisions about the story without slating it to "their" side. When I spoke about news information earlier too, I wasn't just speaking of blatantly sided sources like Fox News or MSNBC. Even newspapers like the NY Times, ect. are corrupted and owned by the same people not wanting to give you the full story.

Lastly a smear campaign is easy to do. The government of the U.S. or any country can label you a "terrorist" or what-have-you and throw you in jail tomorrow and throw away the key without just cause. So remember, the next person can be you, if you decide the road of apathy and just follow the crowd of blind sheep.




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