Other places to see my shit

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Forgot What You Said Yesterday?!

Really? I have to question are peoples (U.S. citizens) memories really that short. The government bailed out Wall Street and the Banks and look what is happening. It is happening all over again. No one seems to care. I'm reminded of song lyrics by one of my favorite bands NOFX. "When 1 makes 20 million, 20 million people lose." Not only is the monetary system a completely corrupt system of slavery, people still view it as the way they can make themselves happy, or get ahead.

There needs to be a complete and total cultural shift away from the current system of profit and gain at the expense of everyone else. It really is the upper 1% of people that control everything. Until the other 99% really see a need to unite and get away from the "pipe dreams" and fallacies of being in that upper 1% and really start caring for each other nothing will change. People really need to focus on what is important and I completely understand that is hard for most people. Who is on "Dancing with the Stars" should really take precedence, right? Oh wait, no, my local sports team is doing well, (even though i have absolutely nothing to do with that) lets focus on that. My last 2 statements were sarcastic, if you could not tell.

History repeats itself. I hear people say this over and over again, but they really lose focus of the importance of that statement way to quickly. Focus people. Lets move towards really change before it is to late.

I'm going to try, starting with this! "The Socialist Equality Party is holding a series of public conferences in April to discuss the fight for socialism today. We urge all those who see the need for this struggle to register for the conferences and make plans to attend."



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