Other places to see my shit

Monday, January 24, 2011

False Flag Attacks

Since World War I there has been a major act, preformed by the government (Illuminati and big business interests) to get US citizens to believe being in a war is justified. The sinking of the Lusitania to get the US into World War I. The bombing of Pearl Harbor to get the US into World War II. The Gulf of Tonkin incident to get the US into Vietnam. Most recently the 9/11 "terrorist" attacks. How do people so blindly see these as what the government wants you to see them as?

To this day I still don't get that people still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack and not for what it really was. The government is not on your side. It doesn't want to protect you. They are a form of modern day slavery. Using you as a tool for profit and control. The gap between the rich and the poor grows more and more each day. The "middle class" is a myth. A fairy tale that you are made to believe. That if you work hard and do whats right all your dreams will come true. The American dream. It's all bullshit. It separates and divides us as people. You don't need the government to help you, to protect you, to make your lives better. You can do that on your own.




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