Other places to see my shit

Monday, January 31, 2011

With All That Is Going On In Egypt...

This quote from an article I read stood out to me.

“I brought my American passport today in case I die today,” said Marwan Mossaad, 33, a graduate student of architecture with dual Egyptian-American citizenship. “I want the American people to know that they are supporting one of the most oppressive regimes in the world and Americans are also dying for it.”

This made 2 things come to mind when I read this.

1.) Probably the more important point and that is we are all one people. Never mind invisible boundary lines that were drawn hundreds or even thousands of years ago. This is only used to divide and seperate us in more ways than just the obvious. American, Egyptian, American-Egyptian, Egyptian-American, i say no, he is a human living on earth. Anything more than that is only used to control people and their minds. Please lets erase these archaic ideas and thoughts and move forward and live as one people. Until we do this nothing will really change and brings me to my second point.

2.) The current leader and the leader that the government in Egypt wants to put back into power was put there by the Americans and the British to keep the peace with Israel. This all comes down to money, which is used for power and control. The people who die in these protests , protests in other countries in the future, and wars and fighting all around the world, someone or some group is profiting from it. Death for money. Doesn't that thought just make you completely sick? I know it does me. So like i said in my earlier blog, last week, really look into who is "profiting" from all of this and do not support or even fight against that, however you can, big or small. Every little bit counts and adds up to eventually, what I feel, will be a big change and in Egypt, a government actually "by and for the people."



Friday, January 28, 2011

Follow The Paper Trail. Learn History.

There is a lot going on in Egypt right now. But before you believe everything on TV and in the newspapers, research yourself. See the real reasons behind what is going on. Americans are horrible at knowing there own history let alone the history of other countries. Form your own opinions and insights on things. Lastly, do me a favor and consider the "conspiracy theories" as a form of truth.

I will keep this post short because there is a lot of reading and research I must do. Here are some articles and research I've been doing so you can learn along with me, if you want, and see where my research is taking me, personally.






Thursday, January 27, 2011

World Revolution, I Hope So!

I want to go over and fight with these people. To change the world for the better. Take the power away from the 1% that control everything with a fake monetary system and control of resources and information. Give the power back to the people to live a better life. Nothing will ever be perfect with us all being human. But people are finally seeing things can't go on like they are now for much longer.

I could state all the facts and evidence of how bad the world is but by now, I think you already know. If I am going to fight for something, not having any kids myself, I am going to fight for a better future for all people on earth. We are all one. We must break down these fake barriers used to control and divide us, have us fighting against ourselves while others sit back and profit. A small start is the conference I am attending in NYC in April for Socialism in the U.S. A word that has been taboo for far too long in this country. I am fighting for a "government" that takes care of it's people and therefore, the people care about what goes on, and have a equal say, in their government.

In 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr., said in his famous speech “Beyond Vietnam”:

I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a "thing-oriented" society to a "person-oriented" society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.



Monday, January 24, 2011

False Flag Attacks

Since World War I there has been a major act, preformed by the government (Illuminati and big business interests) to get US citizens to believe being in a war is justified. The sinking of the Lusitania to get the US into World War I. The bombing of Pearl Harbor to get the US into World War II. The Gulf of Tonkin incident to get the US into Vietnam. Most recently the 9/11 "terrorist" attacks. How do people so blindly see these as what the government wants you to see them as?

To this day I still don't get that people still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack and not for what it really was. The government is not on your side. It doesn't want to protect you. They are a form of modern day slavery. Using you as a tool for profit and control. The gap between the rich and the poor grows more and more each day. The "middle class" is a myth. A fairy tale that you are made to believe. That if you work hard and do whats right all your dreams will come true. The American dream. It's all bullshit. It separates and divides us as people. You don't need the government to help you, to protect you, to make your lives better. You can do that on your own.




Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Next Big War?

Why does the U.S. ALWAYS need to be fighting something or someone? I know it is ingrained in their history and the psyche of the country. But seriously? Wars don't solve anything. No one really wins in modern warfare, especially if nuclear war is used. Everyone loses, except for the upper 1% that make big profits from your death and destruction. This seriously can't go on any longer.

So, China is the next big "threat." They (the U.S. government/Illuminati) are saying this because the American members of this elite would lose a fortune as well as influence in the area. China definitely has a huge sphere of influence in all of Asia. So, you control China, you control Asia and all money and power in the area, as well.

So don't buy into what the media is bound to shove down your throats the next few months or even years. That China is a threat to you, personally, as well as the U.S. It's all bullshit and trying to use you, personally, as pawn in their miniature dirt war. Don't believe the hype!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Business Deal

That's what this all is. America the grand is "owned" by China. When business comes into play the "rights" and "liberties" of the "average person" go right out the window. America tortures just as much as China, don't fool yourself. The illusion of safety and freedom have never become more apparent in this simple meeting of two dominate country leaders. This meeting is all about power and control through the use of currency not about people and their liberties.

Peoples civil "rights" are always misused or taken away constantly, not just in China. Carlin said it best "We don't have rights we have temporary privileges. Because rights aren't rights if your government can take them away." There was a response to the NY Times article I will post at the bottom where a man from the U.S. said that George W. Bush never invited a man that was never formally elected, speaking of Hu from China. This shows you the mass ignorance that still pervades this country because last time I checked, neither was Bush, both terms. He was put into power by another influential business deal. We see how that deal worked out for your "average person" in America.

Here's a small segment from the one article that I really enjoyed. "Before you put this down just to the authoritarianism and insensitivity in China, remember the song “before you ‘cuse me, take a look at yourself.”

Think of all the Americans who get nowhere fighting their City Halls or battling denials of claims by health insurance companies or foreclosures by banks. Think of the vast growth in poverty and the persistence of high unemployment. Think of the millions of Americans behind bars. We have no petition office which I am sure must resolve some issues even if the film didn't show that!"

And here is the man's posted response to the Times article:

January 19th, 2011
11:04 am
George W. Bush did not want to extend the honor of a formal state dinner to a leader who was not democratically elected.

George W. Bush was correct."



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Forgot What You Said Yesterday?!

Really? I have to question are peoples (U.S. citizens) memories really that short. The government bailed out Wall Street and the Banks and look what is happening. It is happening all over again. No one seems to care. I'm reminded of song lyrics by one of my favorite bands NOFX. "When 1 makes 20 million, 20 million people lose." Not only is the monetary system a completely corrupt system of slavery, people still view it as the way they can make themselves happy, or get ahead.

There needs to be a complete and total cultural shift away from the current system of profit and gain at the expense of everyone else. It really is the upper 1% of people that control everything. Until the other 99% really see a need to unite and get away from the "pipe dreams" and fallacies of being in that upper 1% and really start caring for each other nothing will change. People really need to focus on what is important and I completely understand that is hard for most people. Who is on "Dancing with the Stars" should really take precedence, right? Oh wait, no, my local sports team is doing well, (even though i have absolutely nothing to do with that) lets focus on that. My last 2 statements were sarcastic, if you could not tell.

History repeats itself. I hear people say this over and over again, but they really lose focus of the importance of that statement way to quickly. Focus people. Lets move towards really change before it is to late.

I'm going to try, starting with this! "The Socialist Equality Party is holding a series of public conferences in April to discuss the fight for socialism today. We urge all those who see the need for this struggle to register for the conferences and make plans to attend."



Monday, January 17, 2011

Pointing Out The Similarities

Instead of the differences is one big thing that needs to change. We are all humans living on the same planet. As Richard Dawkins recently pointed out, "we are all Africans." That's right we all came from the same part of the planet and are all one and interconnected.

So I will keep this post simple and lets all agree to not focus on what makes us different, that only divides and distracts us. That is what "they" (big business interests, the government, the Illuminati) want. To keep us fighting against each other. We are the people, we are the strong, we have the numbers. Let's all band together and change this world to a better place, a place everyone can enjoy to be alive in.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Trust No One

The words from the TV series "The X-Files" have never rung more true. It is a sad statement, especially with the media, that you have to really research multiple sources to get just part of the truth to stories presented on major news networks and newspapers. TV, in general, was never really made to inform, more to entertain and distract. Radio, on the other hand, was used more to inform and connect the people. That's another thing I've noticed, TV has really helped to "polarize" and "divide" the people, more than anything else. Keep them separate, in their own little worlds of gross consumerism and apathy.

I use to watch way to much TV when I was younger, it was kind of my babysitter. It was so bad that I even had commercial jingles memorized and can even sing you them to this day. Now, when I tell people I don't watch TV, you should see the looks and questions. I read that more people in the US and around the world, watch more TV than ever before. Worse than that, some people actually believe that Fox News is a creditable and reliable source for news and information, my father being one of those.

George Carlin always said the best thing you can do for your children is to teach them to question. Children are never taught to question, especially in the school systems of today, they are taught to just blindly accept and obey. The reason for this is simple, the "owners" of this and every other country, want obedient workers. If you question or think for yourself, find out that you are getting fucked over constantly and living a life that is making you completely unhappy, then you might all rise up as one and fight back. That's what I really hope for, protests, riots in the streets, do something instead of doing nothing. But anyway, I digress.

My point is don't just blindly accept everything that is said on TV, radio, newspapers, and most definitely the internet, and accept it as factual or truthful. Research things yourself and try and find your own answers. I would even want you to disagree with me, about general news, if you had your own facts and opinions instead of just spouting some news blurb you read or saw.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

All Around You... DISTRACTIONS!

It has only been a few short months since the BP oil spill in the gulf and everyone has seemed to move on. With the ongoing economic collapse, the near war in Korea, and now the shooting in Arizona I see how easy it is to lose sight. The BP spill reminds me much of when hurricane Katrina hit. Everyone admitted it was "horrible" and "a tragedy" but except for the residents who have to live there, it was more of "entertainment" for the people who did not.

Now we are having these mass animal deaths. But as long as the media easily explains away what is happening, no one seems to really care. This is the planet we live in and we only have one, that we know is inhabitable, and people really just turn a deaf ear to warning signs. I don't even have any kids but you constantly hear, "children are our future." What world are you, and yes, I say YOU, leaving your kids. I guess you can be completely delusional and say "God" will take care of the planet and the people in it, but you don't think "God" would want you to be pro-active and take care of this "gift" he's given you? But I guess I'll stop trying to be logical, to illogical people.

I guess my bottom line is, wake up people! Especially those who have children and want a "future" for them. Just don't turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to these warning signs. True, some of these problems can't be corrected by humans, at this point in time, things like magnetic polar shifts, but shouldn't we be doing research to not only understand but maybe help correct these problems?





Monday, January 10, 2011

There is always 2 sides to a story?

Well maybe even more and then you might just get a small part of what is true. I found it interesting today in the news about the shooting in Arizona, that stories in American newspapers throw a "terrorist" type spin on things while other newspapers from around the world focus more on political unrest.

Apparently we are all still living in this "culture of fear." Where "they" (the government, controlled by the Illuminati and big business interests) are trying to steal more of your personal freedoms and liberties to give "us" the illusion of safety. I don't believe this young man acted completely on his own and will be used as a "fall-guy" for some new legislation to grab more control. Maybe go as far as saying if this young man had an R.F.I.D chip in him he could have been tracked easier and stopped before this happened.

Anyway, here are the 2 comparable articles I was speaking of. 1 is from the U.S. and the other is from a German newspaper.

