Other places to see my shit

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Nabozny Cables

So, this is my first crack at this so bear with me. I've been thinking of becoming a guerrilla journalist for some time now. Trying to get out stories to people who need to know how their world is being shaped. Shaped to become indentured servants to a monetary system of wealth, power and control that does not give a damn about them.

The Buddhist nature in me wants to help all humans. Because the more people that know and spread love the more love will prevail, at least its a good concept. Liberties and "rights" of humans are infringed upon and even, taken away, everyday in the U.S. and around the world. This is mostly because of "peoples" own fear. Fear of terrorism, fear from having to do something yourself and act responsibly, and many other fears. But in exchange for these fears being abated for a short while, what people give away in exchange, is far greater.

It is like the monetary system, paper money. There is a small amount of debt attached to every "dollar" or whatever currency is used. With that debt to the federal banking system or some other "centralized" bank, not the government, it makes it impossible for all people to pay that debt back, in a sense, making us all indentured servants. That is no way to live, in my humble opinion. Being "slaves" to money to buy things that we don't need, or make us feel "happy" for a short while.

So this is my brief overview of what mostly I will be covering. I believe proper education is key to help all humans and enlighten all to what is going on in the world and how their lives are being manipulated every day, for profit. I saw a good banner that will also, sort of, be the motto for this page "PEOPLE BEFORE PROFIT." I will link the article below where I saw this. It is about what is currently happening in Ireland and "centralized" banking (slave trade.)


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