Other places to see my shit

Friday, December 10, 2010

A World Without Borders or Divisions ?

Do we really needed to be divided and separated any more? We are all humans, living on the same planet. Almost all scientists, no matter which country they are from, agree that climate change is a problem that faces us all. Aren't these divisions used to just distract us and hinder the process like making this a better planet to live on? Calling it the "United Nations" is a oxymoron, in my opinion. Because history has shown, in the short time period that the U.N. has been around, that they are clearly not "united." The most recent example of Pres. Bush of the U.S. going to war with Iraq with no one in the U.N. supporting it.

I am an optimist, to a point, and I believe you can get every nation to agree to do what is in the best interest of it's people. But also, wouldn't it be easier if there was no such thing as countries and dividing lines? Also, if you personally favor science over "faith", which I do personally, we are Africans, all the same people. So lets do away with the U.N. and just all become one nation of people living on this earth and do what is best for us all. The answer is really that simple but as long as divisions and borders are present it will just complicate things and distract us from really what is in our best interest.



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