Other places to see my shit

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Update on How Governments View the Planet

A lot of people are saying, "The world is going to end in 2012." Because of something they read on the internet or saw on TV about ancient peoples calendars. Well real science shows that the world isn't going to end, it may end for humans, but the planet will still be here. The balance in the planet right now is what makes it inhabitable for humans, right now. But if we turn a blind eye to that and think that this planet is "God-given" then humans are doomed, so to speak.

If our world governments, the ones who should respect the people and take care of them, don't care about the planet, what does that say about how they feel about you and me? Especially in the U.S. where the government isn't really run by the people "elected" to office, it's run by the lobbyists and the corporations, what does that tell you about those people as well? That they want to make you a "slave" to money, products, and may the planet be damned as long as at the end I die like a "king." Humans really haven't evolved much since the cave people and these facts of reality show it. There needs to be a shift, a global change, to where we all live as one or there will be no humans living at all!



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