Other places to see my shit

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Man, I suck!

That's right, I said it. I haven't posted something on this in forever and something has given me the urge to get back on this and try and do a daily entry. Having no job has something to do with it.

Being unemployed for well over 7 months now and the job market is still shit. Maybe the economy will completely crash and we will be thrown into barbaric times. Wishful thinking. Modern jobs are pointless anyway. Something we do to keep us busy till we die. Keep us to busy to think about how we are constantly getting fucked over and not enjoying our lives. I think it is like over 1 million Americans are depressed. Somehow in this "land of plenty" people are depressed. Now there are all these teen suicides. Yet people still haven't woken up, revolted, or even see there is something horribly wrong with the world around us.

I'm also slowly learning that friends who I thought were friends, are really not. All have the same ingrained selfish tendencies to just care for ones self and not really much more. So I apologize if all this comes off depressing, I'm not really depressed or down. It's that I've always been able to see the world around me for what it is and be bluntly honest in speaking about it. I pull no punches. I get in all my shots. Maybe that way people will finally wake up and see they are getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard like a hundred years ago.

I guess lastly, I'm really hoping to keep this up. Most of the post will be rants cause that's what i do and most people feel I do it well and comically, at that. So welcome back people, into my wonderful mind!

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