Other places to see my shit

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


There has been a lot of words spoken in the media recently of Socialism and the "fear" of a free market dying. Good, I say. Why is everyone afraid to share and be part of a large human family. Instead of causing more pain and suffering by struggling to attain the most false dollars possible why is the concept of sharing and an interchange of goods such a bad idea. Most people will say because humans are inherently greedy, to this I also say nay. I believe humans are conditioned into believing that they themselves are greedy. I feel if humans are given the opportunity to share, a natural loving thing, they will choose to share than to horde things or objects all to themselves.

I also believe it is the same media that presents this image. This keeping up with "the Jones", want, want, want, you need this, you need that. Humans as a whole need nothing more than shelter, food, basic care (health care) and love (a thing that can be only shared human to human). It's this over want presented in the media, promoted by the government (a government not looking out for the best interest of the people) that makes us all less human and feel empty. I've never really had a lot (material items) in my life and now I'm 30, I actually feel I want less or at least I feel I have more than I need. The more we (humans) see this gross separation between the haves and the have nots I feel we will do the right thing and make a change. In a era of sports figures making multi millions, political figures having 13 homes (1 of only is actually need for living in, seriously? 13?), and millions still in Africa, China, and other 3rd world nations not even having enough to eat, I feel, something has got to give. I think its humans that need to start giving to other humans or we are only perpetuating our own downfall.

So most ask at this point, "OK, you are so smart, give me an answer." OK, I may not be the smartest man on the planet but I will give you one small answer that can help, Socialism. It's not a dirty word and it works in other countries. Yes our population compared to those countries (Sweden, Spain) are not similar, but it still works and I also feel if the people want it to work, it will. It's whole basic premise is power to the people. Let the people lead by example and others will follow. Keep to yourself only what is needed for basic human need and give the rest back. I can tell you will feel better than amassing money and objects. More money, more problems period.

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