Other places to see my shit

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

World of Madness, World of Hate

Ok, I'm starting this over and trying to keep this up. Even if no one reads this it's fine by me but I think that writing again would help me deal with the things around me. If you know who I am, you know what I am about mostly. If not, I'm a realist with high expectations for humans who always seem to fall short to one extent or another. When I say humans I am including myself. I have faults and far from perfect. I freely tell people to tell me to shut up and say that I am full of my own bullshit and I'll actually listen to you. Can you believe that?

I enjoy conspiricy theories and I most of all enjoy human interaction and conversation, a sharing of ideas. I am what you would consider an artist. I went to Art school and have the debt to prove it and all I learned about Art I have taught to myself. That's not me being conceded, that's just me being honest. I believe in Extraterrestrials and I don't believe in the Mythology of Jesus or the Bible, though some of the stories are intresting. I have a strong connection with Eastern thought and other forms of "religion" that deal with the earth, love, and being human.

My final thoughts on my opening entry are about the current election for the Presidency of the United States of America. I live in the area of Philadelphia Pennsylvania in the United States and I find that name funny. The states are far from "united", especially in thought and moreso, hate and fear. We are bombarded on the television everyday with this election and I wouldn't expect any less. On viewing and reading others opinions around the country it strongly saddens me. Other than focusing on who can help and make things better, even someone outside the 2 party system that is in place, we look for more division and fear and hate. I don't think this will help us find any answers or even better yet, education. Ignorance runs rampant and thinking for ones self and finding answers that work for them they just subscribe to the norm.

So that is my reason for starting this blog. I am not going to vote in this election. I haven't voted for a president since Ross Perot ran. Everyone thought he was a joke, but he, being and economist, could have actually helped the situation we find our current selves in economically speaking. This is all a side point because my points and mind wander at times, so I apologize for that. Hope you enjoy the reading in the future and while I may write a lot of political things in this blog I am far from a politician and would want you rather to take something from this and think about it for yourself and see if you agree or disagree with it.

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