Other places to see my shit

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Undead Preachers of Love

Bizarre title huh? What do I mean. I won't be cryptic and tell you I mean that love preachers are undead. Rewording things to confuse you. What I mean is that in my life, in my world, those who have preached love and union of the human spirit will not die with me. They may have been eliminated so you can't hear them personally speak anymore, but if you listen real hard, I tell you, you can still hear them. They speak to you today in other forms, through other people. I'm not talking about some religious idea of transubstantiation. I'm talking about the idea that if you look for truth and turn off your t.v., turn off the media, you will find what you seek.

I've been trying my few years here spent on this earth trying to find out what is right for me, who I "should" be. I tell you it was there all along. I was just bombarded with so much meaningless and worthless information to throw me off track. Money and material gain in my world, worthless. Power and control in my world, worthless. Human interaction and connection, invaluable. It may sound naive to say that peoples general necessity in life is material gain, what i would like to call, "want." I just want to be alive and breathing, to quote the band "tool." To enjoy my time on this earth and interact with each other. That is my "want." When it all boils down to it too, its not even a "want" really, we are all fooled into believing it is, but its not.

So my point all being, keep searching for love and you will find it. Love at times may be a foreign concept and still is a concept not easily defined. It is however preached by few and needs to be accepted by all. This sounds very Bible thumping after I typed it, but I also typed all this without a concept of religion. I don't prescribe to any religion nor do I say you should live your life according to one or another. All I'm saying is I'm human and I feel humans have all this in common. So rock on you love zombies. Till next time. Keep listening to yourself.

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