Other places to see my shit

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Update on How Governments View the Planet

A lot of people are saying, "The world is going to end in 2012." Because of something they read on the internet or saw on TV about ancient peoples calendars. Well real science shows that the world isn't going to end, it may end for humans, but the planet will still be here. The balance in the planet right now is what makes it inhabitable for humans, right now. But if we turn a blind eye to that and think that this planet is "God-given" then humans are doomed, so to speak.

If our world governments, the ones who should respect the people and take care of them, don't care about the planet, what does that say about how they feel about you and me? Especially in the U.S. where the government isn't really run by the people "elected" to office, it's run by the lobbyists and the corporations, what does that tell you about those people as well? That they want to make you a "slave" to money, products, and may the planet be damned as long as at the end I die like a "king." Humans really haven't evolved much since the cave people and these facts of reality show it. There needs to be a shift, a global change, to where we all live as one or there will be no humans living at all!



Friday, December 10, 2010

A World Without Borders or Divisions ?

Do we really needed to be divided and separated any more? We are all humans, living on the same planet. Almost all scientists, no matter which country they are from, agree that climate change is a problem that faces us all. Aren't these divisions used to just distract us and hinder the process like making this a better planet to live on? Calling it the "United Nations" is a oxymoron, in my opinion. Because history has shown, in the short time period that the U.N. has been around, that they are clearly not "united." The most recent example of Pres. Bush of the U.S. going to war with Iraq with no one in the U.N. supporting it.

I am an optimist, to a point, and I believe you can get every nation to agree to do what is in the best interest of it's people. But also, wouldn't it be easier if there was no such thing as countries and dividing lines? Also, if you personally favor science over "faith", which I do personally, we are Africans, all the same people. So lets do away with the U.N. and just all become one nation of people living on this earth and do what is best for us all. The answer is really that simple but as long as divisions and borders are present it will just complicate things and distract us from really what is in our best interest.



Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stealing Whole Countries?!

We have our own economic crisis here in the U.S. and yet no one is really doing anything about it. At least in Ireland they lead protest marches and demonstrations. Why do Americans do nothing? My guess is because the people live very much in a world of delusion and distraction. At the same time Major depressive disorder affects approximately 14.8 million American adults, or about 6.7 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. (http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-numbers-count-mental-disorders-in-america/index.shtml). So either they are too distracted or too depressed to do anything about it?

People really need to turn off their T.V.s and open their eyes to what is really going on, not only in the U.S., but the whole world. "Centralized" Banks (not run by the government/s but individuals) are not only making huge profits at your expense, but making you all sheep-like indentured servants. New York Banker Prescott Bush, George Bush Sr's father, helped set up the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S. and we have seen their family's track record of not only taking care of people but also the economy. These people do not care about you. They only care about themselves and their own wealth, capitol, power, and slave markets. The whole Federal Reserve Banking system was also set up completely, in secret with no vote to the American people. Why would they not let the people vote on something that affects them so directly? Hmmmm.... I wonder?



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

North & South Korea

So I am too far away and don't really have any means to get there but I definitely find this unfolding story of interest. I try to follow it from South Korean news papers online, but of course, they are biased and the North is under a dictatorship, so it's hard to get any relative news there. I need to some research on Korea in general, admittedly. Especially post Korean war, when it was split in half. (never a good idea to go into other countries and make up boundary lines.)

I did find a relatively good news paper from South Korea online, I will post at the bottom if any are interested in this story as well. With the U.S. being so spread out (militarily) currently this could get very interesting and like I said, not knowing much of the "history" and reasoning for these attacks, could also get very scary with China, Russia, and Japan getting involved as well...


The Nabozny Cables

So, this is my first crack at this so bear with me. I've been thinking of becoming a guerrilla journalist for some time now. Trying to get out stories to people who need to know how their world is being shaped. Shaped to become indentured servants to a monetary system of wealth, power and control that does not give a damn about them.

The Buddhist nature in me wants to help all humans. Because the more people that know and spread love the more love will prevail, at least its a good concept. Liberties and "rights" of humans are infringed upon and even, taken away, everyday in the U.S. and around the world. This is mostly because of "peoples" own fear. Fear of terrorism, fear from having to do something yourself and act responsibly, and many other fears. But in exchange for these fears being abated for a short while, what people give away in exchange, is far greater.

It is like the monetary system, paper money. There is a small amount of debt attached to every "dollar" or whatever currency is used. With that debt to the federal banking system or some other "centralized" bank, not the government, it makes it impossible for all people to pay that debt back, in a sense, making us all indentured servants. That is no way to live, in my humble opinion. Being "slaves" to money to buy things that we don't need, or make us feel "happy" for a short while.

So this is my brief overview of what mostly I will be covering. I believe proper education is key to help all humans and enlighten all to what is going on in the world and how their lives are being manipulated every day, for profit. I saw a good banner that will also, sort of, be the motto for this page "PEOPLE BEFORE PROFIT." I will link the article below where I saw this. It is about what is currently happening in Ireland and "centralized" banking (slave trade.)
