Other places to see my shit

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


There has been a lot of words spoken in the media recently of Socialism and the "fear" of a free market dying. Good, I say. Why is everyone afraid to share and be part of a large human family. Instead of causing more pain and suffering by struggling to attain the most false dollars possible why is the concept of sharing and an interchange of goods such a bad idea. Most people will say because humans are inherently greedy, to this I also say nay. I believe humans are conditioned into believing that they themselves are greedy. I feel if humans are given the opportunity to share, a natural loving thing, they will choose to share than to horde things or objects all to themselves.

I also believe it is the same media that presents this image. This keeping up with "the Jones", want, want, want, you need this, you need that. Humans as a whole need nothing more than shelter, food, basic care (health care) and love (a thing that can be only shared human to human). It's this over want presented in the media, promoted by the government (a government not looking out for the best interest of the people) that makes us all less human and feel empty. I've never really had a lot (material items) in my life and now I'm 30, I actually feel I want less or at least I feel I have more than I need. The more we (humans) see this gross separation between the haves and the have nots I feel we will do the right thing and make a change. In a era of sports figures making multi millions, political figures having 13 homes (1 of only is actually need for living in, seriously? 13?), and millions still in Africa, China, and other 3rd world nations not even having enough to eat, I feel, something has got to give. I think its humans that need to start giving to other humans or we are only perpetuating our own downfall.

So most ask at this point, "OK, you are so smart, give me an answer." OK, I may not be the smartest man on the planet but I will give you one small answer that can help, Socialism. It's not a dirty word and it works in other countries. Yes our population compared to those countries (Sweden, Spain) are not similar, but it still works and I also feel if the people want it to work, it will. It's whole basic premise is power to the people. Let the people lead by example and others will follow. Keep to yourself only what is needed for basic human need and give the rest back. I can tell you will feel better than amassing money and objects. More money, more problems period.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Alone.......with the world around me.

So I went on a hike today in the woods of my local park...to be alone. I always enjoy walking in the woods. Enjoying my surroundings such as a natural waterfall, (I always have been intrigued and fascinated with water and it's movement) the leaves falling all around me, and the cool air in my lungs. Yes I went for the hike foremost for the exercise but it also helps me try to clear my mind. What's been on my mind lately is loneliness.

I'm not one to be a drama queen. I am one to whine but just to be funny or amusing and I'm definitely not one to be "woe is me." Maybe it has something to do with my seasonal depression that usually starts around this time. I think it also has to do with getting out of a 4 almost 5 year relationship and dealing with being single. Don't get me wrong there are great things to being single, the freedom to come and go as you please. But there are also big downsides to it as well. The foremost with me personally being the physical and emotional contact on a deep level with another human being. As I stated in one of my earlier blogs was that I deeply enjoy human interaction and now a big part of that in my life is gone. Also, don't get me wrong I have friends, close friends and a family but I just don't think there is someone or something that can replace that special someone in your life.

I also went to take a hike to get away from all this political bullshit that I keep getting bombarded with everyday. I've noticed all the campaign posters on peoples front lawns and it really irks me. The remind me of the infantile bummer stickers that say your child is an honor roll student at such and such school. I really don't personally care about that information, just as I don't care who you are voting for. You are not smarter or wiser than anyone else by displaying that information. You are still conforming to the 2 party puppet system and are part of the problem and not the solution. Yes, I am saying by voting for either a Democrat or a Republican, or even an Independent for that matter, you are still part of the problem and supporting corruption, dominance, destruction of the human family on earth and greed. No human being is worse or better than any other. It's the wool that's been pulled over your eyes to force you to believe that there is a difference and you need to make your judgements on those differences, instead of what makes us the same.

Beyond all this. On my way home I needed to stop to get shampoo. I realized something as I was driving and that is that i feel more comfortable with the thought of stealing it from Wal-mart than to actually purchase it from Wal-mart. So I went into my local Giant supermarket and purchased it there to make my dilemma easier on myself. Wal-mart has a higher income than some 1st world nations, not 2nd or 3rd, 1st world nations. That idea itself made me sick to my stomach. I did the research and found out this was true so I'm glad I did not purchase it there and at the supermarket instead. Moral dilemmas have always been hard for me. To stick up for what you believe in. Because I have found humans are more quick to point out when you don't do something you feel is "morally" right to oneself even though they may do the same thing without even a thought, let alone feelings of shame or guilt.

Anyway, the hiked worked to help me solve some problems but brought about others. Nature is like that. It's always there, always dependable, and will be there even long after I am dead and gone. I just like listening to what it has to say from time to time and stop myself from doing all the talking and thinking.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Undead Preachers of Love

Bizarre title huh? What do I mean. I won't be cryptic and tell you I mean that love preachers are undead. Rewording things to confuse you. What I mean is that in my life, in my world, those who have preached love and union of the human spirit will not die with me. They may have been eliminated so you can't hear them personally speak anymore, but if you listen real hard, I tell you, you can still hear them. They speak to you today in other forms, through other people. I'm not talking about some religious idea of transubstantiation. I'm talking about the idea that if you look for truth and turn off your t.v., turn off the media, you will find what you seek.

I've been trying my few years here spent on this earth trying to find out what is right for me, who I "should" be. I tell you it was there all along. I was just bombarded with so much meaningless and worthless information to throw me off track. Money and material gain in my world, worthless. Power and control in my world, worthless. Human interaction and connection, invaluable. It may sound naive to say that peoples general necessity in life is material gain, what i would like to call, "want." I just want to be alive and breathing, to quote the band "tool." To enjoy my time on this earth and interact with each other. That is my "want." When it all boils down to it too, its not even a "want" really, we are all fooled into believing it is, but its not.

So my point all being, keep searching for love and you will find it. Love at times may be a foreign concept and still is a concept not easily defined. It is however preached by few and needs to be accepted by all. This sounds very Bible thumping after I typed it, but I also typed all this without a concept of religion. I don't prescribe to any religion nor do I say you should live your life according to one or another. All I'm saying is I'm human and I feel humans have all this in common. So rock on you love zombies. Till next time. Keep listening to yourself.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

World of Madness, World of Hate

Ok, I'm starting this over and trying to keep this up. Even if no one reads this it's fine by me but I think that writing again would help me deal with the things around me. If you know who I am, you know what I am about mostly. If not, I'm a realist with high expectations for humans who always seem to fall short to one extent or another. When I say humans I am including myself. I have faults and far from perfect. I freely tell people to tell me to shut up and say that I am full of my own bullshit and I'll actually listen to you. Can you believe that?

I enjoy conspiricy theories and I most of all enjoy human interaction and conversation, a sharing of ideas. I am what you would consider an artist. I went to Art school and have the debt to prove it and all I learned about Art I have taught to myself. That's not me being conceded, that's just me being honest. I believe in Extraterrestrials and I don't believe in the Mythology of Jesus or the Bible, though some of the stories are intresting. I have a strong connection with Eastern thought and other forms of "religion" that deal with the earth, love, and being human.

My final thoughts on my opening entry are about the current election for the Presidency of the United States of America. I live in the area of Philadelphia Pennsylvania in the United States and I find that name funny. The states are far from "united", especially in thought and moreso, hate and fear. We are bombarded on the television everyday with this election and I wouldn't expect any less. On viewing and reading others opinions around the country it strongly saddens me. Other than focusing on who can help and make things better, even someone outside the 2 party system that is in place, we look for more division and fear and hate. I don't think this will help us find any answers or even better yet, education. Ignorance runs rampant and thinking for ones self and finding answers that work for them they just subscribe to the norm.

So that is my reason for starting this blog. I am not going to vote in this election. I haven't voted for a president since Ross Perot ran. Everyone thought he was a joke, but he, being and economist, could have actually helped the situation we find our current selves in economically speaking. This is all a side point because my points and mind wander at times, so I apologize for that. Hope you enjoy the reading in the future and while I may write a lot of political things in this blog I am far from a politician and would want you rather to take something from this and think about it for yourself and see if you agree or disagree with it.