Other places to see my shit

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Humans disappoint me...

So people get together, unite, join a group to fight for a cause. Then, the in-fighting almost starts instantaneously. There is no debate, just accusations. This, that, or the other thing are accused of 1 or all in the group and then that leads to mass confusion and hysteria. You can trust no one and everyone is a suspect.

This is just what the elite and the banksters want. So while "we" fight "they" rob us blind and make us all slaves to their system. Yes, if you know your history, the history that isn't taught in school, we where originally created as a slave race to be just smart enough to do the labor and just dumb enough to not talk or fight back. But whether you "believe" in it or not, evolution took it's course and we multiplied and our new generations grew in intelligence. Now the elites (which includes alien hybrids which have always been here) are in the process of mass dumbing down humans again eventually mass extermination. They are starting slow, but they are building up steam and the more good, average humans don't unite and bicker and fight among themselves (with relatively irrelevant topics) the elites will gain more ground and more territory in this fight.

The elites also have more advanced technology and techniques then those in the general populous have. This gives them another leg up. So once again, more fighting adds to more loss on average human ground. With all the soft kill elements present today in our everyday lives, compounded with the wars fought for whatever reason leads to, once again, more human territory lost.

I speak in war and battle terms because that is what this is. It's a war for your mind first and then second, the survival of the human race in general. It starts on an individual basis and then moves on to humans as a whole. So, we humans must unite and stand together, stand for something or we will be completely conquered. Time is also of the essence, because, like I said earlier, they have more advanced technology and knowledge and they are only speeding up the process and won't slow down.

So first, research what I have said. Look it up for yourself, educate yourself. The knowledge is there, it is all around you. There are tools used by the elites of mass distraction to hide this knowledge, but if you search for it, I can promise you, it will come to you. Then, once you have said knowledge, speak up and share it with as many people as you can. It is a life or death, do or die fight and I feel if we can stop the in-fighting and just unite on a sole idea, the idea of human freedom, true freedom, then we can win because we have 2 things going for us.

1.) We are many, they are few.

2.) We will fight a guerrilla war and they will fight with traditional techniques.






Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If you have an opinion you are an enemy of the State.

Don't say how you feel. Don't differ from the norm. If you do you are subject to arrest and imprisonment without trial or charge. This is quite simply tyranny. There is no question, the U.S has been a police state since 9/11 and the grip the government has on it's people, directed by the bankster influence, is only getting tighter.

I am willing to stand up and fight for what I believe in. Mainly being complete freedom and truth for all people. Obama continued the Patriot Act, so he has shown who's side he is on and it certainly isn't the U.S. people. So the people need to stand up and show him, united, that we do not need a leader or at the very least, a leader like himself. They are tightening the grip on information. With the arrest of Aaron Swartz and the 14 Anonymous persons by the FBI (I must say written in a blatantly slanted article that already has the convicted in the writers mind.) we also see that you can't do or say anything against the companies or the government that is owned by said companies due to vigorous lobbying.

Your only option now is to remain a blind slave sheep or it is now time to rise up and resist through all peaceful, non-violent means necessary. Join us, join the resistance and support the good guys!





Monday, July 18, 2011

Picking this up again.

Saw an inspiring video involving Anonymous. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81648625/ Going to be getting back in the swing of things again with this. To share information and the like. Getting the word out that the time to fight back is here and now and "we" will not fail!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The "Truth" Is Out There, If You Want To Know It

My post is simple again today. Research and look into things for yourself. Don't believe everything you read, see or hear as plain fact. What's going on in Egypt, The Wikileaks court case, and all other news stories. It is already proven that the news information is diluted and corrupted by the major companies that own them. To control the information you receive, to control your mind, to make "them" sound good and just, while making "the others" sound bad and unjust and even savage.

Try and support those who want to give you "non-filtered" information and let you make your own decisions about the story without slating it to "their" side. When I spoke about news information earlier too, I wasn't just speaking of blatantly sided sources like Fox News or MSNBC. Even newspapers like the NY Times, ect. are corrupted and owned by the same people not wanting to give you the full story.

Lastly a smear campaign is easy to do. The government of the U.S. or any country can label you a "terrorist" or what-have-you and throw you in jail tomorrow and throw away the key without just cause. So remember, the next person can be you, if you decide the road of apathy and just follow the crowd of blind sheep.




Monday, January 31, 2011

With All That Is Going On In Egypt...

This quote from an article I read stood out to me.

“I brought my American passport today in case I die today,” said Marwan Mossaad, 33, a graduate student of architecture with dual Egyptian-American citizenship. “I want the American people to know that they are supporting one of the most oppressive regimes in the world and Americans are also dying for it.”

This made 2 things come to mind when I read this.

1.) Probably the more important point and that is we are all one people. Never mind invisible boundary lines that were drawn hundreds or even thousands of years ago. This is only used to divide and seperate us in more ways than just the obvious. American, Egyptian, American-Egyptian, Egyptian-American, i say no, he is a human living on earth. Anything more than that is only used to control people and their minds. Please lets erase these archaic ideas and thoughts and move forward and live as one people. Until we do this nothing will really change and brings me to my second point.

2.) The current leader and the leader that the government in Egypt wants to put back into power was put there by the Americans and the British to keep the peace with Israel. This all comes down to money, which is used for power and control. The people who die in these protests , protests in other countries in the future, and wars and fighting all around the world, someone or some group is profiting from it. Death for money. Doesn't that thought just make you completely sick? I know it does me. So like i said in my earlier blog, last week, really look into who is "profiting" from all of this and do not support or even fight against that, however you can, big or small. Every little bit counts and adds up to eventually, what I feel, will be a big change and in Egypt, a government actually "by and for the people."



Friday, January 28, 2011

Follow The Paper Trail. Learn History.

There is a lot going on in Egypt right now. But before you believe everything on TV and in the newspapers, research yourself. See the real reasons behind what is going on. Americans are horrible at knowing there own history let alone the history of other countries. Form your own opinions and insights on things. Lastly, do me a favor and consider the "conspiracy theories" as a form of truth.

I will keep this post short because there is a lot of reading and research I must do. Here are some articles and research I've been doing so you can learn along with me, if you want, and see where my research is taking me, personally.






Thursday, January 27, 2011

World Revolution, I Hope So!

I want to go over and fight with these people. To change the world for the better. Take the power away from the 1% that control everything with a fake monetary system and control of resources and information. Give the power back to the people to live a better life. Nothing will ever be perfect with us all being human. But people are finally seeing things can't go on like they are now for much longer.

I could state all the facts and evidence of how bad the world is but by now, I think you already know. If I am going to fight for something, not having any kids myself, I am going to fight for a better future for all people on earth. We are all one. We must break down these fake barriers used to control and divide us, have us fighting against ourselves while others sit back and profit. A small start is the conference I am attending in NYC in April for Socialism in the U.S. A word that has been taboo for far too long in this country. I am fighting for a "government" that takes care of it's people and therefore, the people care about what goes on, and have a equal say, in their government.

In 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr., said in his famous speech “Beyond Vietnam”:

I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a "thing-oriented" society to a "person-oriented" society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.

