Other places to see my shit

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If you have an opinion you are an enemy of the State.

Don't say how you feel. Don't differ from the norm. If you do you are subject to arrest and imprisonment without trial or charge. This is quite simply tyranny. There is no question, the U.S has been a police state since 9/11 and the grip the government has on it's people, directed by the bankster influence, is only getting tighter.

I am willing to stand up and fight for what I believe in. Mainly being complete freedom and truth for all people. Obama continued the Patriot Act, so he has shown who's side he is on and it certainly isn't the U.S. people. So the people need to stand up and show him, united, that we do not need a leader or at the very least, a leader like himself. They are tightening the grip on information. With the arrest of Aaron Swartz and the 14 Anonymous persons by the FBI (I must say written in a blatantly slanted article that already has the convicted in the writers mind.) we also see that you can't do or say anything against the companies or the government that is owned by said companies due to vigorous lobbying.

Your only option now is to remain a blind slave sheep or it is now time to rise up and resist through all peaceful, non-violent means necessary. Join us, join the resistance and support the good guys!





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