Other places to see my shit

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Humans disappoint me...

So people get together, unite, join a group to fight for a cause. Then, the in-fighting almost starts instantaneously. There is no debate, just accusations. This, that, or the other thing are accused of 1 or all in the group and then that leads to mass confusion and hysteria. You can trust no one and everyone is a suspect.

This is just what the elite and the banksters want. So while "we" fight "they" rob us blind and make us all slaves to their system. Yes, if you know your history, the history that isn't taught in school, we where originally created as a slave race to be just smart enough to do the labor and just dumb enough to not talk or fight back. But whether you "believe" in it or not, evolution took it's course and we multiplied and our new generations grew in intelligence. Now the elites (which includes alien hybrids which have always been here) are in the process of mass dumbing down humans again eventually mass extermination. They are starting slow, but they are building up steam and the more good, average humans don't unite and bicker and fight among themselves (with relatively irrelevant topics) the elites will gain more ground and more territory in this fight.

The elites also have more advanced technology and techniques then those in the general populous have. This gives them another leg up. So once again, more fighting adds to more loss on average human ground. With all the soft kill elements present today in our everyday lives, compounded with the wars fought for whatever reason leads to, once again, more human territory lost.

I speak in war and battle terms because that is what this is. It's a war for your mind first and then second, the survival of the human race in general. It starts on an individual basis and then moves on to humans as a whole. So, we humans must unite and stand together, stand for something or we will be completely conquered. Time is also of the essence, because, like I said earlier, they have more advanced technology and knowledge and they are only speeding up the process and won't slow down.

So first, research what I have said. Look it up for yourself, educate yourself. The knowledge is there, it is all around you. There are tools used by the elites of mass distraction to hide this knowledge, but if you search for it, I can promise you, it will come to you. Then, once you have said knowledge, speak up and share it with as many people as you can. It is a life or death, do or die fight and I feel if we can stop the in-fighting and just unite on a sole idea, the idea of human freedom, true freedom, then we can win because we have 2 things going for us.

1.) We are many, they are few.

2.) We will fight a guerrilla war and they will fight with traditional techniques.




